A New Adventure Begins

It is with an untold joy that I can announce that Session 0 for our homebrew campaign, The Eisengrau Uprising, it’s currently live on YouTube and Spotify. What’s that? You want the first episode of the adventure proper as well? Alright, then – go check out Session 0 and I’ll see what I can do……


Today is the Day!

How exciting! This afternoon, in just a few hours, our first episode of actual play D&D goes live! We’ll be streaming the episode at 2pm GMT on Twitch, and then publishing it on YouTube at 4:30pm GMT. Here’s the links, we hope you enjoy! https://www.twitch.tv/burningdiced20 https://www.youtube.com/@BurningDice BenBurning Dice DM


Welcome and Well Met

Howdy fellow nerd! It’s a true privilege to have you here. Welcome to Burning-Dice.com, the online home of us, some TTRPG loving dorks from Plymouth, UK. Here you’ll find all of our content, including our original let’s-see-if-we-can-do-this Dragon of Icespire Peak campaign, as well as The Eisengrau Uprising, our homebrew campaign. Please feel very welcome…
